Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pirate Ship Park

So we went to the Pirate Ship Park today. We went with the Ruff's and Steph and her daughter Savana. It was really nice....its was only like a mile from our house....I can't believe that I didn't know about it. It is going to be really nice in the summer....but I can tell that its gonna be really busy too. Logan had a blast playing with all the kids, and I had fun snapping all the shots. I am totally in love with my camera in case you couldn't tell!! LOL
Here we have the layout of the park, it also is a running/walking track
Nolan, Savana and Logan
This is the sign in the entrance, I have no idea what it says but it was pretty :o)
Keith and Jeff - he was just acting like he was licking his cheek....I just missed the shot :o( The next series of photos are of Logan and his break dancing!! He is totally adorable.

Hey Mom!
This is what the walls looked like - all these different sea animals engraved in them it was very pretty.
Me and the girlies.
View from up top
The kids at the fountain
She was too cute to pass up :o)
The pirate ship
Ok so we went down to a part that was close to the water, and there were all these holes. Here in Japan they have squatty potty's and these looked like they were huge potties. LOL
Sweet baby on the rocks.
This guy drove by on his bike...with the baby in the front. I just thought this was an interesting way to travel with the infant.
So Amy and I wanted to take some pictures out on this dock but it was this was the gate....and from the looks of the spikes on it I will NOT be going back...
Ames...shooting me..
Boo Boo Head

Making his AAARRRGGGHHH pirate face!
Hey Mom!
Front of the ship

We just went potty, he is running back to play
Remember I mentioned the squatty potty - here it is, in all its glory. And no I did not go in it - Logan did. I did have to use one before at another park....and let me just say you can really strengthen your leg muscles with all the hovering you have to do! LOL

Front of Park

Logan met a Oki boy to play with

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boo is getting so big girl!! Omg! He is just adorable!! I love all the new pictures! Japan looks like a great place I am so jealous! LOL
I love the pictures!! :0) Miss ya!