Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tinsel Town

Its been a minute since my last post - we have been very busy since I started working this week, and Kadena was doing an exercise. But, yesterday we went to Tinsel Town - its a little carnival type thing on base. They had games, a few rides for the little kids and some people performed. We were only there for a few hours because it was pretty chilly - I am guessing like high 60's. But the wind was blowing and it was a little we got to see the Tyco Drum Dancers, and the parade. Pictures were taken by my friend Amy....I forgot my camera :) Enjoy!!
Logan won this little gun in the pick the fishy and whatever numbers is on it that's your prize game. He loves playing all the little games.
We were on our way home after the parade....Thank God, I was so cold!
Ok - I tried to get Logan to sit with Santa....that was not working out - so Keith and I decided to try to take a family santa picture.....yeah we wouldn't even turn his head toward santa....I have no idea where Keith is...he got cut out the picture. :(
Daddy and Logan playing that fishy game I told you about before. This one he had a little net thingie (it had a paper center) he had to put it in the water and pick up as many little fishies can he could before the paper ripped. He got to try this twice - and then won a prize based on the number of fishies he pulled out. The games at these things are really cute...but they are 3 bucks for one try...and the prizes are cute but don't last.
Logan playing with the big kids....he loves his new gun :)
Eating dog dog's and fry fries.....we were all really cold and hungry.
Logan wouldn't let anyone see his nemo fishing toy he won at another game.

This is the tyco drum dancer - they bring out the shi-sa dog....and it does a bunch of stuff.

It was rolling over in this shot

These are the dancers....they were all ages ranging from 5-45 and they all did really good!!

We didn't stay for the tree lighting or the evening events....I will try to get a picture of the lights - they are really pretty. I don't have anything planned for this week...I want to try to get some pictures of the vet clinic for you - stay tuned!!

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