Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

So for Christmas we went over to the Ruff's house after we opened our presents. Also, the Morris family came over there - so we had a house full of people!! Fun times....7 adults and 9 kids!

Logan playing with Ape
We played a card game called ***hole and this was the ***hole hat. I got wear it three times in a row....Not that fun!
Keith giving me his winning smile!
Logan crashed about 10ish.
Close up of Keith trying to beat me in speed skating
Speed skating again
Logan and Daddy playing the Nerf game in the Wii
Logan talking to RJ
Daddy is trying to Kayak and Logan is pretending to with the binoculars. LOL
All bundled was pretty chilly
Logan LOVES this scooter
Crown...the party maker!
All done mommy....
Logan eating...did you notice in the picture above he was done...but I can't tell what the heck he even ate! LOL
Rory Joseph - cutie patootie
Dan being a dork
Logan playing with Savannah
mmmm....Chocolate Milk
Daddy driving - Logan taking a break!
Down the stairs
Ok get out Daddy
Get in Daddy
Peace out!
Daddy pimped out the boys truck!
I'm stuck mom

Christmas Morning Breakfast! Oh I just want to add that I attempted Christmas Bread in my easy bake was too sad to even take a picture of. Let's just say that cooking bread in a convection oven....not working out. So we didn't have any bread for breakfast....very sad! :o(

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