Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just a few shots!

So I was just taking some random shots - we have not done anything or gone anywhere too fun these past few weeks! Enjoy!!
This is a local fisherman on one of the jetty's at sunset
Same guy
We take Logan to this park that is right by the beach - this sign is there and I have no idea what it says...but I thought it was pretty
Ok so we bought Logan a bunch of play-doh just the other day - and he was totally into making this snake....but he had to do some serious maneuvering to make it!

This is baby Harlow - He was a puppy that came into the clinic last week! Too cute to pass up!
I took this from our balcony. The sun does some incredible things here in Okinawa - I am amazed but the awesome pics I am able to get!!!
Keith with what else...his grill! We went over to Jeff and Amy's and he smoked a brisket
Jeff and Amy gave us this sweatshirt - her brother had it made for their son Logan - but he is too big for it now!

Keith took about 50 pics of me - I just kept a few! LOL
Logan playing with Nolan
Boo Boo playing the Wii with us - we were playing Golf...he almost won! LOL

Some more pics of the park that we like to take Logan to - the sun reflects perfectly on the water!!

Here is Logan's snake that he worked so hard to make!
His sponge bob boxers!! Thanks Mi-Mi and Grandpa!
Sunset in our backyard!
Logan break dancing!
My sweet baby boy!

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