Sunday, December 14, 2008

Drop Slide Park

So today we went to the drop slide park with the Ruffs - we had a blast!!! Amy took the pictures again- Here are the pictures of our adventure today!!
Logan chasing bubbles
Going Up
Roller Slide...think assembly line in a factory - before conveyer belts
Going to the jade palace (LOL) You know Kung-fu panda
Going down for 1st time
He wanted to ride on my lap
Going down
OMG! My butt is burning....
There goes Jeff
Daddy and Logan on the roller slide
Logan going up the rope ladder...stop looking at my boobs!! LOL I can't help it! Thanks Meem!
Going down....stopping along the way!
Here I go!
Climbing the many stairs to get to the top
Going down the stairs from the amazing view...said view is later on
On our way down....I was so tired :)
The Ruffs - Amy...Jeff and Nolan (Big Logan is missing he is the big bro!)
Logan was mad....he wanted to look out the other way

View of Okinawa

Come on guys!

Don't ask!

It was hard to sit in the bowls, I couldn't touch the ground

Me and Logan!

Logan found a girl! Those Oki girls in the background...kept staring @ us. They took pictures of Logan with their cell phones!

Running around
Trying to ride the spinny thingie
Don't fall
Here I go!
This one is smaller...I'm good!
Down another slide

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