Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Daddy and Logan Grilling and etc...

Well....the first bunch of pics are just some random ones I shot.....here is something that you will all know - in Japanese! LOLAfter my surgery - Logan was sleeping with me. This has become a regular occurrence at night, Logan usually falls asleep at my feet. Too Cute! Oh and by the way I am so SICK of sleeping on the couch!
Crazy Logan...playing in his playroom
Logan cuddling with daddy....watching TV.
Climbing up to cuddle~
OK so this is the boys favorite way to be - naked or in his undies!
OK here are Logan and Daddy grilling. Logan was cooking his "chicken nuggets" and Daddy was making the real dinner. Daddy also showed Logan how to "clean" the grill.
Apparently the flash was TOO bright!
Cooking with daddy
Daddy and the "real" dinner
Logan's "chicken nuggets" LOL
Cooking the nuggets

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