Monday, October 13, 2008

So the Journey Begins!

Today is almost the last day we will be in Oregon! We began this journey to Okinawa back in August! We were stationed in Goldsboro, NC - which is nothing to write home about...anyway we moved in with my sister and her husband for a few weeks before we left. We had some pretty good times - playing cards - having BBQ's and playing in the rain!!

It took some begging on my sisters part - but we finally got out there! It was fun - we did this twice and the second time the whole street was flooded (pictures of that later!) We stayed with them for 3 weeks during that time TMO came to ship our stuff and we were all packed and ready to go! We left my sweet bella with my sister and off we went - down to FL.

We spent 2 weeks in Florida - of which I have no pictures of - I will get with my mom later and post some!! LOL

After a very tearful good-bye we left for Oregon (we were gonna drive there)fun times!! It took us 4 days and we had a good time! I have a few pictures I took out of sheer boredom.

This was in Buford, KS or something - and the population was really 1. LOL the guy lived there all by his lonesome - we were standing in front of his house!!

Logan made me take this picture - he had his fake phone and insisted that before I took his picture I had to take one of me - we had spent approx. 3 days on the road at this point and I was willing to do anything to not hear "mommy" again for at least 1 minute!

We finally arrived in Oregon on the 30th of September - here I am sitting in the living room looking out at the ranch - very relaxing! We have had a good time here and will miss all of our family very much! We have just basically relaxed since being here - did a little shopping-went to Sun River and checked out the lava caves, and the high desert museum.

This is Logan - we were in Sisters, OR checking out the little shops - and we decided he wanted to be Chief Logan - and try on the fox. It was very cute - very soft...not so cool for the animal activist in the family! LOL (that would be me-BTW)

Keith's parents have the sweetest dog - he is a Vizsla named Sergio. He is 12 and completely blind - he was so sweet to Logan, right after this picture Serg let Logan know that laying all over him wasn't his favorite hobby!

While we were here in Oregon-Keith went to the coast to pick up the Porsche that his Grandfather who passed away left him! The car is so beautiful and Keith loves it already! Here is the sweet lady-we ended up storing her here in OR - it was the great debate! More from that later! LOL It was a sad good-bye!
We are in our last couple days here in OR-we leave for Portland on Wednesday. From there we leave to go to Seattle - and on Thursday at 11am we leave the good ole US of A and fly 22 hours to Japan. Hope to talk to you all soon -and more later from the H-Crew!

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