Ok - so this is a huge shopping plaza - they have a ton of stores like banana republic, BCBG, Zou Zou etc...in the very back of the picture is a HUGE bowling complex. Bowling is HUGE in Okinawa - inside the bowling center is a gigantic SEGA game floor. Apparently, gaming is huge here too (who would of thought LOL ) Well this picture did not turn out like I had hoped - this is on the AFB - and in the very far background that is one side of Okinawa City. (Ill get better pics later!) This is another part of Jusco - in the produce section. This store is so cool - not only do they have food and all the other stuff walmart has, its also like a department store on the other half - so they have designer clothes and HANDBAGS!! They have like 7 little cafes, and a smoothie bar in the middle. Oh and also a Starbucks! So we went to Jusco I bought a bottle of tea called Lemon Garden Tea (upon the recomendation of our fearless leader) its really good BTW! This is my receipt - ALL IN JAPANESE!! I have no idea - except that it is 198 yen - which is likw $2.00 US dollars. They only accept yen and MC and VISA. This is just a ride into down town - and the taxi's that are everywhere. They drive like maniacs here - not to mention on the left side of the road. Its so weird watching them drive - they all have these little compact cars with flat fronts - and because of the fact that the cars are small they dont hesitate to cut in front of you! LOL
This is a local restaurant - they are everywhere.....japanese food buffet - all you can eat for $20 bucks. Once you sit down you have approx. 90 minutes to stuff your face - after that they start giving the looks :0) Ok - this is Jusco - its like the Japanese Walmart. The people here LOVE food on a stick - don't ask me what this all it bcuz I have no clue - its all just sitting out in the case. This is one of the many beverage sections in Jusco - they have a million types of drinks - they have 200 hundred types of tea. These are the infamous OBENTO boxes, they serve OBENTO meals all over Oki - but these are empty ones you can buy at the store. (I will be getting one) they have little compartments - perfect for taking sushi to work for lunch!
I am going to be going out into the city some more this week! More pictures to come!
OMG!!! Hahahaha...thats funny. I guess you will have to learn Japanese so you can read your receipts!!!
OMG!!! Hahahaha...thats funny. I guess you will have to learn Japanese so you can read your receipts!!!
This is so cool to see. Gives me a taste of other countries in the comfort of my living room. Glad you are adjusting. Love you. T
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