Saturday, October 18, 2008

Finally in Japan!

Well - we made it!! After a 10 hr long plane ride across the pacific ocean we arrived in Okinawa - let me just say that it doesn't LOOK like Japan! LOL When I step outside my hotel room it doesn't feel like Japan - I am sure that will all change when we get to check out the city today. We walked around a little yesterday to check out base housing - its nice, some of it is old. They have just recently built some new houses, they are really nice - I am praying that is what we are offered, if not then its off base we go! I am still getting used to the time difference, and trying to remember what time it is back in the states to send emails...LOL we have been going to bed at like 8pm and waking up fully charged at 5am. I am fearing that I will become a moring person - God help me! LOL I'm gonna leave you with just two pictures - the first one is the vending machines - and the second one is these trees they have all over - they look like HUGE bonsai trees. They are pretty cool! I will get some more pictures and post them tonight-which is really tomorrow for all of you!! Ok so let me explain the vending machine - those little sodas are plastic replicas - they are really cute - well as cute as a vending machine can be...LOL Oh - I tried a japanese drink was a green bottle (in japanese of course) and to me it looked like green tea! STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT GREEN BOTTLE THAT WOULD LOOK LIKE GREEN TEA!!! I almost vomited! We came back from the BX and we were walking and Keith took a HUGE drink of it - pretty funny to see the look on his face - it was not green tea after all! I am gonna ask before I buy!! HA HA HA

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