Monday, November 10, 2008

More from Oki

You can't really see this - but at the seawall when the tide is low - there are a ton of little tide pools. They are so cool - there are starfish, and this picture is of a brittle star. There are sea cucumbers, and lots of little fish. Lots of sea anemones - and coral.
This is the marina again - this is where we go to rent our SCUBA gear
Ok - remember when I told you about Jusco? Well this is a little bakery inside Jusco - they make these fresh pastries and this awesome sweet bread!
This is a view of the seawall on the boardwalk right behind our house.
This is part of the same bakery in Jusco!
Here is Jusco again - this store is the bomb - but they have some weird stuff. This is an octopus right in the cooler next to the Ground beef and pork chops! (eeeww!)
This is what the milky way package looks like I only put this in here cuz you can relate since we have milky ways in the its my favorite candy bar! LOL
Ok - this is dried squid, I am assuming its supposed to be eaten like beef jerky....I wanna vom!
Here is Logan - after eating an ice cream cone - he wanted to show you he can make even bigger messes now!
These are called Shi-sa dogs. They are everywhere here in Japan - they are placed usually in the entryway outside the front door, or on posts on either side of the driveway - the one with the mouth closed is the one with the peace spirit, it keeps the peace within the home
This one has the warrior spirit and it wards of all evil and enemies from the home!
Logan - he was sourcerer Mickey for Halloween - this is before school
This is after school when we were picking him up - they had just finished the little parade!
The teachers made homeade applesauce for the kids for snacktime - Logan loved it!

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