Monday, November 10, 2008

Meet Charley

We adopted Charley from a lady who just had a baby and didn't have the time for a dog. He is 8 months old, and a ball of energy! He is a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and is a BIG snuggler! We were looking for a dog that is small enough for an apartment and also will be able to come home with us from Okinawa. We are happy to give Charley (not my idea for the name, this was his name when we got him) a home and happy that he has accepted us. The only thing is that I now have to get the dog groomed - luckily he isn't an extensive groomee! :) Oh and more good news - he's already potty trained! I am telling you if your gonna get a puppy - get one a little older all the drama is already done! The only thing that is not complete is that he is not neutered...oh well! I'll be the bad guy I guess!

Sleepy puppy! Logan loves to sit by him and pet his fur while he is watching TV. Its really cute!
He loves Logan already! He and Logan love to play together and cuddle together!!

Here he is after playing with the big brother~ pooped out!