Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well we went to Okuma for Logan's Birthday this year. They were having a beach carnival and we thought he would have a good time hanging out on the beach. We were right! He LOVED it - and so did we. We left the house around 9am and arrived in at Okuma around 1130am. We stayed there until 730-8pm - we had a blast!! Enjoy the pictures!Logan found a shell or something on the beach and he wanted me to take a picture

This is a picture of the beach to the right
We had so much fun that we (daddy, me and Logan) fell asleep on the beach for like an hour. It was so nice - the breeze was blowing and with the crashing of the waves..perfect nap weather! Logan was still sleeping when we woke up! We wore him out I guess!
This is baby Nolan! He is so sweet! Rob and Rachel's little boy!

This is Logan when we first got there! I took me like 45 minutes for him to take his clothes off and get him swim trunks on. Once he saw how cool it was to play in the water he was ALL ABOUT IT!!

This is Logan on the way to Okuma - he took a nice nap to build up him energy for the long day! (I appreciated that BTW)
This sunflower field was right at the end of the street before we entered Okuma - it was really pretty!
Here is Logan before we left - being silly
Sleepy girls - I dont think they even cared that we were gone all day
Pika too- with her sleepy eye
Logan wanted to check out my webcam - so he keep telling me to take some picture of here they are!

Ok...ok so we were chillin on the beach and this japanese couple comes up to us to ask if they could take a picture of Logan. The fact that Logan has blonde hair and blue eyes makes him a rare gem here in Oki - so of course we said ok! But he would not go by I went with! And for some freakin reason whenever the Japanese are in a photo they HAVE to throw up the peace sign....I dont get it! LMAO
This is Rob and Rachel and us out to dinner at an awesome restaurant!
Rachel and Nolan

Look at that face!
Nolan again....

I love this picture! He is such a handsome boy!! I think he was so excited that he could see himself on my computer!

Hope you liked the pics - I will post some more later!

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