Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am sorry I have not posted anything in a while! I have been really busy with school and work etc...anyway here are a bunch of pictures of our fun times this past month! Enjoy!I was trying to get Logan to sit still long enough for the timer on my camera....we had like a million outtakes - this one came out ok though!
So I went to the Garlic House for my bday - and here is Logan showing off my bday cake!
This is Rob - him and his wife Rachel are good friends of ours from NC. They just arrived a month or so ago! We took them to the pirate ship park - this is him and their son Nolan!
Nolan again - mad! He just got out of the bath and he is hungry!
Tbe boyo!
Ok - so this is Naoki....she showed up on our door step (literally) yesterday. Keith was outside washing the cars and I hear him calling my name....I was like "WHAT, I am trying to get my hair did!" LOL anyway....I open the door and he asked me if Logan came in and told me anything...I said that he was talking something about a puppy trying to get in our house but I just blew it off cause he has had a wild imagination lately and he has been acting like a puppy for like 5 days. Anyway Keith opens the door and in walks this beautiful pitt bull (possibly lab mix). So I posted an ad on the two classified listings here in Oki - and no one has called. Looks like we just inherited a new addition. She is really sweet - I am guessing about 4-5 months old and loves to play with Logan. Doesn't growl at him when he lays on her (like Pika does) and is a cuddler! So anyway we named her Naoki (Nay-oh-key) and I call her KiKi for short! More on her later!

So we went to dinner the other night with Rob & Rach - here is Rob trying to pose for the picture...I guess he drinks rum and coke from him nose?!?
Daddy and Logan (The boy would not open his eyes...the flash was too bright!)
Here we all are...The Huttons & The Jarvis's
The food at this cafe is AMAZING! This is Logans Garlic Toast
Daddy got some sausage thing...he said it was yummy
Logan being a walrus - LOL
They have these cutouts in the tables and there are little beta fish in bowls underneath!

This is Rob & Rach's new addition. They adopted this beagle from a family who didn't have time for him anymore. His name is Sourdough (that is what his previous owners named him..apparently something to do with coal miners back in the day) Anyway - he is a sweet boy I call him Dough Boy.

Ok so remember in the previous post I told you that Logan has been acting like a puppy lately. Well here he is laying on Dough Boys bed
Playing with the toys - it was new...dont worry :0)
And pretending to lick his pig ear

Easter Sunday - we did an easter egg hunt...
Eating some candy - it was SO bright out there!
I had to take some pictures of Logan totally cute dock shoes I got him!

Logan and his Pika

Went to the spring fest - and Logan wanted a sword from the balloon guy
More chocolate cake
His Garlic Rice - I think he is eating a piece of my pizza here though