Well - I got a call from a lady who had found a mother and her puppies on the beach by her house. Logan and I drove about 20 minutes away to go see the puppies. The mother had 4 puppies with her, but we were only able to take 2. The other 2 were in the bushes somewhere and I couldn't find them. Momma was a pure bred jack russell terrier - and we have no idea what dad was. The other 2 pups are our there still with momma - I didn't want to take momma away from the babies...so the lady is going to take them all to the shelter tomorrow if they are still there. We brought 2 puppies home with us - and our friends Poppy and Patch took one of them. Logan is very excited - and when I asked him what he wanted to name the puppy he said " dis Pika" I have no idea where he got that name...but I looked it up and its a little mouse that originated in siberia and currently lives all over the world but first became populated in Asia. Weird! Anyway - so here is Pika we are very excited to have her!! We have given up our search for a boxer on this island....we will add one to our family once we return to the states!